We are...

A Family.....
A Department...
Here at Avoca Fire Department, we pride ourselves of having some of the most advanced fire suppression and rescue tools available to first responders today. We utilize all of the department's specialized equipment to assist us in a multitude of challenging, and often dangerous, emergency situations that arise in the community and surrounding towns. When our equipment and our expertise is not enough to remedy the situation, we often call on the help of our neighboring community departments to collaborate with us and overcome the obstacle.
​A Community...
On many occasions throughout the year, we reach out to you, the community, to help us help you by attending our fundraisers and donating to our fund drive. Without this form of department income, the Avoca Fire Company, which is an ALL VOLUNTEER Department, would not be able to operate in today's economically challenging society. Your donations go towards the payment of our firefighting apparatus and bills. Not only do we host our own fundraisers throughout the year, but we also work with other community groups such as the Avoca Lyon's Club and the Langcliffe Presbyterian Church to hold joint-fundraisers together. Our department is always open 24/7 and if you would like a tour of the department, feel free to stop in at any time. Our goal is to serve YOU, the community.
We get very very competitive here at the 112 house. When we're not out on a call, we are either preparing for the year's competitive game that the Avoca Community Committee plans for our annual town picnic or sometimes, we just pass time by throwing a football back and forth in the garage bay or play catch behind the fire house. No matter the circumstances, we always find a way to have fun around the house.
There is a saying around the Avoca house, that saying is: "This is our home away from home." We spend a lot of hours with each other so we get to know each other pretty well. We laugh and tell jokes together but we also cry together. We may pull pranks on each other for each other's embarrassment but we all know that it is all in good faith. We may occasionally argue about a favorite football team or where to eat but we eventually all end up better friends afterwards. We look out for each other both on the fireground and at the station. We tell each other stories and make jokes about each other and sometimes the occasional "meme" involving one of the members.
​A Team.....